Hurricane Preparedness Procedures to follow for owners & residents of Shores Plaza East Condominiums
Please Plan Ahead! Don’t leave preparations until the last minute!
In the event of a “hurricane or Tropical Storm Warning” all owners are responsible for following the procedures listed below. It is also important that owners communicate these procedures to guests or tenants that may be occupying their units during Hurricane Season:
Remove all loose Items from yards and patios. Any items that are left outside become projectiles. Any item left will be considered abandoned and may be discarded.
You must prepare before the storm to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours (3 days) after the storm.
Secure your unit. Please close all windows and doors securely. The windows and front doors are Impact Resistant up to a category 3 or low category 4 hurricane. Keep in mind that we are located east of Biscayne Blvd. and are therefore in a Mandatory Evacuation Zone B for storm surge from a category 2 or higher.
Owners that will be traveling during Hurricane Season, which is currently considered May 15th through November 30th are responsible to follow the above procedures prior to departure. Owners are also responsible to leave an emergency contact number for someone local as well as a contact number where they can be reached while away.
Please remember to review your Windstorm Policy. Please Note that since we are located East of I-95 HomeOwners Insurance will not cover Hurricane damage. You must carry a separate Wind Storm Insurance Policy to cover your unit and property. The Multi-peril/Wind damage insurance policies acquired by the Association, does not cover any damages caused to the inside of individual units, i.e. appliances, fixtures, cabinets, flooring etc. Also ask your Homeowners Insurance Agent about Loss Assessment Coverage, this helps defray any assessment costs that the Board may have to impose to cover common area damages such as roof replacement. It is important that this information also be communicated to renters, so that they may have the opportunity to purchase Renters Insurance if they chose to.
Please keep in mind that there will be no staff on site once the common areas are secured.
Procedures for after a Hurricane or Tropical Storm
1. After the Storm Board Members will be assessing for any damage to the grounds and buildings, and will make contact with the Association’s Insurance Agent if necessary. Each owner should inform their own agents of any damages to their units
2. In the event there is only minimal storm damage to the landscaping or exterior areas, all efforts will be made to restore the property to its pre condition and resume management procedures within a reasonable amount of time after clearance has come from the National Weather Center.
3.In the event of a catastrophic storm, every effort will be made to begin the clean-up process as well as the assessment of damage and claims to the insurance company in a timely manner.
Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, or wish to assist your Board in any way, please call the Association office at 305-759-9069. Or visit for more info.
Board of Directors Cc. Yudany Fernandez, Esq.